How Trauma Impacts the Brain: A Physiological Response to Stress

Despite your best efforts, trauma is something that you cannot “just get over”. It impacts functioning in many aspects of your life.  After a traumatic event, you might experience changes in sleep patterns, memory loss, strained relationships, an inability to trust, nightmares, or intrusive thoughts.  

Therapy can help you increase mindfulness and awareness of how your body responds to stress and trauma. Consult with your doctor to see if you are a good candidate for psychopharmacologic and somatic therapy that may help.  

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Mind-Body Connection: Somatic Therapy and Mindfulness

Does your body tell you something is wrong before your mind even realizes it? 

When you walk into a specific place or have an interaction with a certain person, do you notice that your body automatically responds with heightened physical sensations? Does your heart beat fast, your palms get sweaty, or your chest feel tight? 

Of course, you know that stress is not good for you. But, we all have stress, so that means that stress and trauma are a normal part of life, right?

You’ve been so stressed for so many years, and your body has been living in a constantly activated state. So, how are you supposed to stop this cycle? Is there a way out?

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